Many ignorant historians claim that Phoenicia ceased to exist in 64 B.C. That "happened" when it became part of the Roman world. But, in 425 A.D. official Roman records show the division of Phoenicia Prima into two provinces: Phoenicia
Maritima and Phoenicia Libanensis. In the early Byzantine times, the Count of Phoenicia governed Phoenicia. In 380 A.D., Saint Jerome wrote: 'Damnatur Origenes a Demetrio episeopo exceptis Phoenicis atque Achaiae sacerdotibus' since 231 A.D. This means that he considered Phoenicia as a separate entity.
At the council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., eleven bishops were present from Phoenicia. They were the bishops of Tyre, Damascus, Sidon, Tripolis, Paneas, Berytus, Palmyra, Ptolemais, Alasus, Emesa, and Antaradus. Saint Augustine (400 AD) witnesses to the same account of Saint Jerome. The Church Councils of Tyre (449 & 515 AD), do the same, as well. And last but not least, the Fall of Phoenicia to the Arabs (640 AD), testify to the continued existence of Phoenicia, in the seventh century. Finally, Church tradition of naming the major bishops of Phoenicia, honorary, living title of 'Metropolitan Archbishop of Phoenicia Maritima.' Lebanese bishops continue to carry this title today (see page
with translation -- MP3 Byzantine psaltica chants: Bishop
of Beirut & Bishop
of Tripoli) are a few of many solid proofs that Phoenicia and its people live on despite the misinformation.
The constrains imposed by Muslim Rulers over Christians as stipulated by Arab-Muslim Caliphs (Caliph Umar I Edict). - link)
Creating Arab origins: Muslim Arabs constructions of al‐Jāhiliyya and Arab history
(Origin of the Arabs, ethnicity and myth-making. - link)
Sarcophagus of the Lady of Cádiz Containes a Man's Skeleton and the Sarcophagus of a Man, a Woman (Two sarcophagi contain remains of sexes opposed to those carved in their covers. - link)
Arab Islamic Conquest and its Devastating Impact (Arab Saracens terrorized the Mediterranean World in the Seventh Century - link)
Kings of Phoenicia (Names of Kings and Rulers of Phoenicia Prima - link)
Unjustified Hebrew Occupation of Canaan (Hebrew invasion and occupation of Canaan c.1340 to 1200 unjustified - link)
Semitic languages and their evolution with roots of the Lebanese Language (Canaanite Phoenician Language Preceded Arabic by 3000 Years - link)
Maronite Patriarchs and Patriarchates over 1,332 years from the 6th century until the present (Maronite Patriarchs and Patriarchates - link)
The unfounded lie that the Christians of the Levant come from Ghassanite Arab origin or from Horan, Syria
(Christians vs. Ghassanites or Horan-Arabs - link)
How and where did Hannibal cross the Alps? (How Hannibal Crossed the Alps - link)
Decoding the Canaanite Phoenician Temples in Detail (Canaanite Phoenician Temples - link)
The Israelites did not worship any god(s) before being exposed to the people of the Canaanite Phoenicians. (Canaanite Origin of Israelite God - or link in Arabic الأصل الكنعاني الفينيقي لإله إسرائيل)
Phoenician Solar Theology and Opioiatry (Solar Theology - link)
Mago of Carthage was called "Father of Agriculture" (Mago, Father of Agriculture and Farming - link)
Mochus of Sidon, the Phoenician, Conceived and Wrote the Original Atomic Theory (Mochus of Sidon, Atomic Theory - link)
Phoenician Archaeological Engraving of the Dabké Dance and History of Dancing (Phoenician Dabké Dance - link)
First Phoenician Dictionary in Spanish and collection of Phoenician Engraved Scripts (Phoenician is the mother tongue of the Mediterranean, our first alphabet - link)
New DNA Genetic Study Proves Modern-Day Lebanese come from 93% Canaanite Origin (Canaanite Study - link)
First Phoenician Dictionary in Spanish and collection of Phoenician Engraved Scripts (Phoenician is the mother tongue of the Mediterranean, our first alphabet - link)
A study reveals the Lebanese DNA of the Phoenicians of Ibiza, Spain. (Ibizans were more Lebanese than the Lebanese themselves - link)
Why did Jesus visit Tyre and the Blessed Virgin Mary's priestly lineage (Christ visits king of Tyre and Blessed Mary's priestly lineage - link)
Phoenician Punic Translation of the Bible (Punic Bible - link)
Oldest Hebrew and Samaritan Script and Language were nothing but Phoenician (Old Hebrew is Phoenician - link)
Study on skeletal remains in Cadiz proves their Phoenician origin (Phoenicians of Cadiz - link)
Cadmus Slays The Serpent (Cadmus and the Serpent - links)
Rediscovering Ancient Phoenicia: The Truth Behind Phoenician Identity in the Mediterranean (Rediscovering - links)
Journey to the Mythological Inferno and Chavín's Labyrinth and the Palace of Hades and Persephone (News Release & Articles - links)
The Abdallah Zakhir Museum, maker of the first Arabic press in the Middle East. (Zakhir link - update)
The Sabaeans had an advanced culture of their own and were not Arabs. (Sabaeans link - update)
Phoenician Commerce (Commerce link)
Itureans were not Arabs, and Biblical Myths impact history (Itureans link)
Phoenician from the Ashes excavations in South Lebanon (Ashes link)
UPDATE: Proving History Through Science -- National Geographic studies Phoenician DNA in Lebanon & Phoenician settlements with interview with Dr. Pierre Zalloua from YouTube (National Geographic link)
Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch Union Conception (Orthodox Antioch link) Greek Melkite Patriarchate of Antioch (Greek Melkite link)
Byzantine Emperor who was one of us (Leo III link)
History of the early chuch (Church of Phoenicia & Antioch link)
Crusader & Arab DNA among the Lebanese?(Living Phoenicians link) & The
Lebanese- Phoenicians are from Lebanon- Phoenicia (Lebanese
Phoenicians link)
Byblos priests' snake spells to protect pharaoh's mummy, oldest Semitic text of 3,000 BC (Snake Spells)
Origin of the Arts and Philosophy were non-Greeks (non-Greek Origins)
Phoenician Music and Hymn to the Moon Goddess Nikhal Interpreted from Cuneiform Tablets (Music)
The Carthaginians Did Not Sacrifice Children: Excavations in Zama {Child Sacrifice)
The Amazigh (Berber), their language and alphabet (Berber)
Miraculous Icon of Berytus (Beirut) and the Statue of Christ in Caesarea (Berytus Icon)
Zachariah of Mitylene, Syriac Chronicle, major anti-Chalcedonian source (Syriac Chronicle) & Writings of the Syriac Church Fathers by Mar Abd Yeshua A.D. 1298. (Syriac Writers link) &History of the Christian Syriac Schools of Theology -- the Syriac Christian learning environment (Syriac Schools link)
"Aramaic of Jesus & Phoenician influence on Ancient Hebrew (Aramaic of Jesus link)
Plato's Atlantis and The Kings of Atlantis, Gods of the Phoenicians (Plato link)
Palestinian Christians: plight of the original Christians of the Holy Land. (Palestine Christians link)
The Phoenicians and Their Origins migration of the human race out of Africa (Migration link)
The Falsehood of Pan-Arabism (Pan-Arabism link)
Assemani, Maronite Light from the East for the Church and the World -- (Assemani link)
The Amorites and the Canaanite Phoenicians were not the same people. -- (Amorites link)
The concept of time -- Secret Works of the Phoenicians (Time link) & Phoenician
Theology the oldest archive of the Western World (Theology link). The God-Idea of the Phoenicians (Theogony link)
Translation of the Gospel of Saint John into Lebanese -- project to translate the whole Bible into Lebanese (Gospel of John link)
The difference
between the Arabic Language and the Lebanese language, the importance of distinguishing (Lebanese
Language link)
Chart of the
Syro-Phoenician Church from 525 A.D. till 1724, Eastern
Christian Milestones (Christian
Milestones link)
Origin of the Phoenician Empire -- Accurately Dating Phoenician History, presented at the
Annual Conference of World History Association (Chronology link)
In Honorem:
Deacon Abdalla Zakhir, the first Arabic script press (Arab Press or Zakhir link)